Let us say then that this journal will have a thread, and that the thread will involve the novel that I mentioned earlier, in the very first entry, though it will not be a recapitulation of the novel, but only a series of descriptions of it, or observations about it, as it exists so far, and perhaps also as it will exist in the future, as I proceed with it in parallel with this writing.
Meaning, I suppose, it would need to include a thread that held it together, even if the thread in question was not very strong.
It would have to be thoughtful, however, and not merely an accumulation of statements, or expressions.
On the other hand, maybe I’ll write in it regularly enough that I come to regard it as an endeavor that justifies its own existence, and that requires no defense or explanation.
Which possibility makes me feel sort of sad for it, though not so sad that I’ll stop myself from beginning it.
In which case it’ll be known to no one but me, and likely will even be forgotten by me, not long after I’ve begun it.
Maybe nothing will come of it. Maybe I’ll write in it so infrequently that I’ll forget about it before enough time has passed for it to amount to anything more than a handful of entries.
I’ve been trying to write a novel, but it hasn’t been going well, so I’ve decided to keep a journal instead, and see what comes of it.