by Edward Mullany

Everything I wrote, beginning with the first word of the first sentence, is contributing to the narrative, is propelling it to wherever it will end.

by Edward Mullany

Meaning, the absence of anything to complain about might be something itself to complain about, looked at from one perspective.

by Edward Mullany

Or, anyway, if I am funny it’s not because I intend to be, but because the situation I’m describing is funny. So that the funniness seems to rub off on me. 

by Edward Mullany

Maybe the book will be about divorce and Catholicism, after all, as heavy as those subjects sound. Though I myself wouldn’t want to read such a book, unless it was about other things too.

by Edward Mullany

One annoying thing about me, as a writer, is that I’m unable to stay focused for very long on any particular topic, and prefer to digress from one thing to the next, even if whatever it was that first had my attention was worth spending some time with.

by Edward Mullany

But yes…I don’t quite know where this narrative is going, so I’d ask that you’d be patient, and put up with my meanderings, as I try to figure out what it will be ‘about’, or what it wants to take for its subject, if in fact it is going to have a subject at all.

by Edward Mullany

Look at that, not five sentences in, and already I’m making a fool of myself. I loathe writing, really, even though I can’t bring myself to stop doing it. I’m sure there’s a term for that in psychology.