I went out to the front room just now, to look at the paintings in the two unopened boxes, because I hadn’t looked at them in a while, and wanted to remind myself of whether I liked them, or of which ones I liked more than others. I had to lift the TV off the boxes, of course, and place it on the floor, so that I could access the cardboard flaps at the top of the boxes, and remove the paintings, one by one, sliding each one back into its position in the box, after glancing at it, before reaching in for the next one. While I was in the midst of this activity, one of the two cats came up to me to see what I was doing, pushing against me with its flank, or torso, before jumping onto the box that I wasn’t yet concerned with (that is, the one that I hadn’t yet opened), and flopping down into a comfortable position on it. After a while the other cat approached me too, from some other direction, and tried to jump into the box that I was pulling the paintings out of, but I caught him mid-leap and forced him into a cuddle against my chest, which he tolerated for a few seconds, before making a noise and struggling to get away.