/ by Edward Mullany

There must be a Billy Wilder kick going on, on one of the movie channels on TV, because last night A. and I came across Double Indemnity, and watched it, having watched the rest of Sunset Boulevard, one of the other movies Wilder directed, a night or two before. I say watched ‘the rest’ of it because I’d happened to record that one, using the DVR function on our TV, as I’d always wanted to watch it but hadn’t known, at the moment I’d seen it was airing, whether I’d wanted to do so right away, as opposed to at some later time. And so at first I’d watched only part of it, as I mentioned in an earlier entry. I don’t know much about Billy Wilder except that he made quite a few movies in the 1940s and 50s. Now that I’ve seen at least two of his movies I can say that I do like him. Or anyway like his work.