/ by Edward Mullany

For my own part, I was trying to remain untroubled, but wasn’t entirely succeeding. For instance, I would remind myself that the situation I was in required patience (or anyway invited one to practice patience), and that as such it was an opportunity to sanctify myself by imitating the long-suffering of Christ, albeit in a small, unheroic way. And for some moments I would do just that. But then my mind would wander, I’d become distracted by one thought or another, which itself was produced by the information that was reaching me through my senses, primarily my sight. And I would hear myself sigh, or utter some uncharitable remark, aimed at the drivers around me. And in so doing I’d ‘wake to myself’, so to speak, I’d remember that I had very little to complain about, compared to others. And the cycle of patience-and-impatience would begin again.