But yes, as I was driving along the highway, in the same direction I’d been driving since that morning (when I’d rented a car from one of those rental locations in a neighborhood in the city where I live), I thought for a while about that line from Scripture, from the Gospel of Matthew, the line that Jesus had spoken to the Pharisees, when they’d been questioning him about some thing or another, trying to find a crime of which to accuse him, a crime agains the Mosaic Law, after he’d healed a person on the Sabbath, and had cast out demons from another person. And I did not arrive at any conclusion about it, if ‘conclusion’ is the right word, but simply dwelled on it, and tried to see my own life in terms of it; that is, what my own life had amounted to, so far. Because, as I said, the line itself, the words that Jesus had spoken, seemed to me to be of great consequence. Which I suppose would be true of any of his words, but which was particularly true about those words, for me, at that moment, because they were fresh in my mind, and I’d heard the man on the radio describing them, and putting them into context for his listeners, while I’d been driving and not thinking of anything else.