diary / by Edward Mullany

As far as I know, for example, there has been only one performance of The Artist Is Present, by Marina Abramović. Which would seem to have been part of the intention of that work, for she served as both its creative and interpretive intelligence. Further, due to the singularity of Abramović’s style, one might even say that a reproduction of it, by somebody else, would not be advisable. And yet certainly one can conceive of another artist, at another point in time, attempting to reproduce that performance. The way one musician will cover another musician’s song, out of admiration or love. So that even a work of performance art, which by its nature is more ephemeral than recorded art, can be lifted out of its temporality, and can endure as long as there is someone who, remembering it, is committed to its reenactment, and its perpetuity.