In other words, though we are free to do otherwise, it appears as though we are able to increase the presence of divine love that is diffused through reality. In the same way that, if we remain beholden to our own will, and follow our impulses blindly, we diminish ourselves, and increase the presence of evil. Which isn’t to equate the power of the two spirits, or to imply that they have proportionate authority in opposite directions (and that it could be either of them, finally, whose dominion is established), but that, for a duration, or an age, or however we might refer to that term in which humankind flourishes in this temporal and spatial realm, divine love allows evil to abide, and to remain as a potentiality throughout creation. For while the former is uncreated, and is in fact an aspect of the Godhead itself, the latter is created, and thus is subject to the authority of God.