diary / by Edward Mullany

Mention of either of their names might’ve aroused in the mind of the reader the question as to why I chose one of those artists, for my example, rather than somebody else. Because the choice of an example, in discussions such as these, always seems to reflect back on the speaker, as if that person is trying to impart to his listeners something more than a mere technical point; to persuade them of something obliquely, due to his own biases or agenda (even if those are subconscious), rather than to illustrate something openly and neutrally by alluding to whatever historical personage happens to come to his mind; so that suddenly his preferences, till then unspoken, seem to be revealed, and attention is drawn to him as much as to his subject. Which might be inevitable, even if it is not the speaker’s intention, and even if it does not evince what he is, in fact, doing.