/ by Edward Mullany

But the Satanism I am referring to here is not the Satanism portrayed in movies, where teenagers sneak out to the woods to find mischief, and to experience a thrill, by enacting in a laughable way the tropes they’ve learned to associate with ‘Devil worship’, or where children mess around with a Ouija board, in an innocent or unknowing way (even if those activities can function as invitations to the diabolic); no, it is the serious and earnest (if hidden) Satanism of reality, of the higher-ups in this world, of the so-called elite, who share nothing in common with the vast underclasses, and who in fact secrete themselves away from the masses, and are contemptuous of them (but who depend on the people of those classes to increase their wealth and power, to fly around the globe in private planes, and to live in extravagant houses); and many of whom I would not be surprised to learn are involved in ritual occultism (though more likely most of them have merely been bribed, or blackmailed, by such occultists, who have some leverage over them); yes, the Satanism of these people, and of who the Bible refers to, in the Book of Revelation, as the ‘captains and kings of the earth’.