/ by Edward Mullany

I was scrolling on my phone this morning, after I’d woken but before I’d gotten out of bed, when I came across a joke someone had posted on one of the social media sites, I think on X. The joke is one that apparently Padre Pio was fond of telling. Padre Pio was an Italian Capuchin Friar of the twentieth century who later was made a saint of the Catholic Church. The joke goes: One day Our Lord, making rounds of Paradise, saw some strange faces. He asked Peter, “Who let these people in?” Peter replied, “There is nothing I can do.” “But you have the key,” the Lord said. To which Peter insisted, “There is nothing I can do, nor that you can do either.” “What do you mean?” said the Lord. To which Peter answered, “It’s your mother. She has another key. She lets them in.”